I am a designer with code skills and an extensive background in design systems and product design.

15+ years of experience in start-ups and scale-ups, and a background in agency with small to international clients.

About me



Feel free to reach me for a casual chat on design practice, design systems, running a design studio, and building a successful team.


Recent works

Words from my teammates

<aside> 💬 Geoffroy a une approche pragmatique, le catalyseur dont on a besoin quand on veut accélérer. C’est un plaisir de travailler avec lui au quotidien, et un réel atout quand on cherche à créer une équipe ambitieuse ! — Galaxy Nguyen, VP Product at Witco


<aside> 💬 I worked with and for Geoffroy at Central. First and foremost, Geoffroy is a designer that can solve any UI or UX challenge while taking into account user needs, business objectives and contraints. His attention to detail and ability to devise and follow processes makes him an absolute force to be reckoned with.

His ability to listen and collaborate with others also makes him a great leader for Central. He was able to put together and retain a great team, while creating a very pleasing work environment. He has a knack for innovation and is an advocate for transparency. If Central has an open salary policy, a 4-day work week, and supports side projects, it is thanks to him.

Last but not least, he bakes bread and cooks like a boss.

— Jérôme Coupé, Front-end Developer at Central


<aside> 💬 As lead product designer, I worked alongside Geoff who took on the role of Senior Design system manager. He helped us implement a brand-new design system and UI while transitioning from Angular to React. I could not recommend him enough as a person and a professional.

If your current transition from design to dev is rocky, he will help build a solid bridge to fluidify your processes - and save you a lot of time and money. His strengths lie in his strong skills in both design and front end, his questioning and listening abilities, an unwavering curiosity, and continuous learning mentality.

Beyond design systems, Geoff is undoubtedly a senior design generalist, and I dearly miss our impromptu design critiques. You’d be very lucky to have him on your team!

— Jérôme Rousseau, Lead Product Designer at Witco


<aside> ➕ Read more:

Testimonials & quotes


Side projects

Design Systems 🇧🇪

Last year I launched this little platform to showcase design systems made in Belgium.


Umami Talks 🍱

In the past, I organised Umami Talks events with the team at Central. We had the opportunity to interview great people from companies such as Shopify, Stripe, and Microsoft.


Let’s connect!

Want to work together? Or just have a casual chat to share experience on building design system? Email me at [email protected].
